Today was an early start with blood work and an EKG test and of course weigth check. By 7am they connected the first bag of the day. Mesna (28.3 mg,250ml) which is the medicine to protect the bladder from the chemo. It runs for 24 hrs. Then blood work returned that my potassium was low, it always happens in my case though. So they connected that med to my line. About an hour later they started the pre-med as usual. everyday is the same.
The regimen for chemo for today was first around 10:30pm Cytoxan (28.3mg,250ml) which takes about 2 hours to run. Then about 1:30pm we started ATG (56.6 mg,250ml) which runs for 10 hours.
I havent felt anything extrange yet. Dr.Burt and nurses are checking on you all the time, really good and nice team of people. I did go for a walk around the just the floor. I do have to wear a mask and gloves per Dr. Burt, if I leave my room. They have a nice family waiting room with a stationary bike looking out to the lake, so I exercised for about 15 min plus the walk. When I got to my room I was a little tired, laid down for a bit then I was back to normal and up on the computer checking a few things.
Thank you to all of you that have been sending me messages or texts and reading this blog, It keeps me going to hear from all of you. Im glad to know this is helping some people to know more about the treatment. I really appreciate that. Since some of my closest friends and family dont want to know what s going on anymore...LOL
Thank you.
Thanks for keeping us updated You will be in my prayers every day